About Hjärnfonden
The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) raises money for research and information about the brain and its diseases, injuries and disabilities.
The Swedish Brain Foundation awards scholarships and grants to researchers and research groups to enable or enhance important research. The Swedish Brain Foundation also works to increase knowledge among the general public through information, lectures and seminars.
Research for life and quality of life
The Swedish Brain Foundation’s Scientific Board guarantees that the researchers who receive grants or scholarships belong to the Swedish scientific elite. The Scientific Board consists of twenty of the nation’s leading experts in neuroscience. This means a careful evaluation of the applications according to set criteria.
Your contribution makes a difference
The Swedish Brain Foundation has a so-called 90-account, which means that the Swedish Fundraising Control (Svensk Insamlingskontroll) controls the activities. The Swedish Brain Foundation has no government grants and is therefore completely dependent on donations from individuals and enterprises. Any contribution, large or small, is welcome. A donation to brain research saves lives and improves quality of life for the affected and their families.
Areas of engagement
The Swedish Brain Foundation´s areas of engagement covers all parts of the central nervous system, i.e. the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system. The latter consists of all the nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord to muscles, tissues and organs. Basic and clinical research is devoted to the healthy nervous system, including its development and aging, as well as to disabilities, injuries and diseases. The research also considers how environment, drugs, medicines, pollution, physical and psychological stress, etc., affect the nervous system, and thereby the individual.